Weekly Reflection. Give and Take. Week #8

April 30, 2012 § 4 Comments

Where has my mind gone? I forgot my weekly reflection yesterday. Too busy going during my writings 😀

Well, no use for excuses, but I’m making that up today. This week is real slow. I can probably guess the reason why. I simply have no time to do my usual posts at certain time and I haven’t been able to read many blog posts. In term of connections, we all have to do the give and take, so I do make sure that I drop by my regular bloggers that often visits me.

Without further ado:

·Views: 2780 (+243)

·Posts: 66 (+8)

·Comments: 512 (+40)

·Followers: 110 (+10)

Well, you guys have been very active with the commenting so far. That’s a plus. Always love a good comment. Makes this blog a bit livelier than the many stalkers and spammers that do a hit and run 😀

Until next week with my reflection.

Weekly Reflection #6

April 15, 2012 § 2 Comments

Oh man. I totally forgot my weekly reflection. I am so off on my days; don’t even know if it is a Sunday of this week or a Monday of next week. This is bad.

But good news this week. I’m just chugging along with more views but I’m afraid that my hiatus last week did not give me much time to build up followers. This is quite indeed a long journey. Ohh well, got to keep walking.

I have yet find a way to boost traffic but at least I’m getting a constant amount of readers that I have established a connection with. I’m still confused as in which direction my writing should go to focus on a more specific topic to provoke more conversation. But I guess I still have much to learn.

Without further ado, here is what I’m working with so far:

  • Views: 2257 (+638)
  • Posts: 52 (+12)
  • Comments: 402 (+115)
  • Followers: 98 (+2)

I’m quite content with my pace, but I do wish to be going a little bit faster. I suppose you can’t rush these things.

Weekly Reflection. One step down, thousands more to go. Week #4

March 24, 2012 § 9 Comments

Hello world,

This week has been wonderful. I have met my first milestone. It feels pretty good. My first step is done; all I have to do is keep walking. For those who have kept up with me and my journey, thank you. For the newbie to my blog, here is my journey so far:

Weekly Reflection. A Story that has just Started… Week #1

Weekly Reflection: How Blogging Superheroes does it! Week #2

Weekly Reflection. Week #3

The highlight of my week so far has definitely been my 1000 page views. And the fact that I have a reader from Moldova. I didn’t even know where that is until I viewed it from my status bar. Even so, it is still a tiny little country in relative to the rest.

Anyways, on to this week’s status report:

  • Views: 1200 (+372)
  • Posts: 31 (+7)
  • Comments: 217 (+73)
  • Followers: 77 (+15)

I’m just chugging along. Like everyone else, I am trying my best to be good with a promise to myself. A post per day. I’m currently trying different sites to gain new readers and perhaps, followers. It has been slow. It might have been me. I’m not too aggressive in my approach. But then, I want things to be natural, like what they say online, “let it grow organically.”

Therefore, I am staying focus. With that, I’ll share with you guys one of my picture of a place where I used to live back in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It was the roof, with one small room that I share with a buddy of mine. By tiny, it is comparable to a master bathroom here in the United States. But it was home. It was freedom for me.

Leave me a comment right below.

Weekly Reflection. A Story that has just Started… Week #1

March 3, 2012 § 4 Comments

I have been faithful to my promise. Everyone knows that the worse promise to break is the promise you make to yourself. So at the very start, I pinkie promise myself (don’t ask me how) to not give up on the things that I’m starting.

It has been a couple of days since I started blogging. If it was blogging just for the sake of blogging, then I would have been so relieved. But I have a goal to get to, and I would like to get there soon.

It pains me to think of how far I must go to get there, but I have taken advice of others by taking it one step at a time. “To build a wall, you must lay it brick by brick.” And I plan to lay the best looking brick possible to make a great wall!

This week has been highly successful base on my goal. My only grumble was not being able to create a SHAREABLE post that others would be proud to share with others. I would have to do more research on this and work on it.

Anyways, as of this week:

  • Views: 94
  • Posts: 9
  • Comments: 18
  • Followers: 7

What are these for? What am I trying to accomplish? Am I just some poor soul crying out for attention on the internet? Yes and No.

Currently, I am building an Internet Portfolio so that I can apply to my dream job. I do not have much qualification base on the job requirement, but I do have creativity and imagination to get the job done. I plan to use this blog here along with other social tools that I utilize on the internet to build my portfolio to showcase my potential. I may be new but I am a quick learner 😀

My goal is to build a community here on my blog by facilitating the interactions with my fellow readers to foster a social environment while my end result is my FACEBOOK PAGE to the right of my blog. I would like to get LIKE! The goal is 5000 at the moment.

In order to do that, I would have to convince people (you) to SHARE, somehow. I will figure that one out later. Thanks for reading. Please leave a comment if you like what I’m doing. Go read some of my other articles if this one does not completely make sense.

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